I first want to say that I had no idea how to tackle the Histogram assignment. Honestly, at the time, the Histogram assignment seemed like such a daunting task... now, not so much, especially when compared to everything else we have done in this class.
This class has thought me that programming is not about writing code but more about solving problems. We just use code to translate our ideas into a "living" form; this is very similar to the fact that writing as an artistic form is not about typing something on a typer writer, but instead about the ideas the author is trying to convey through text.
After having seven weeks of this very difficult and time consuming class, I have learned that the best thing us young software engineers could do is learn how to plan. With the Histogram assignment, I went into it head first, coding away, and that causes a lot of bugs that then brought a bunch of headaches later. If I were to do it again, I would definitely plan out how I am going to solve the issues, even write it down on a paper or note on my computer. Only then, once I fully understand the problem and have a solution in my mind or written down, only then would I begin to write code.
Although not finished, in the Android app I am currently developing, I feel very proud of the design aesthetic I am giving it. I specially feel proud of the functionality of the categories section in the landing page.
I also feel very proud of how I have been able to jump into the unknown and succeed. Only five days ago I knew nothing about Android programming and could barely code in Java, and now, I have a beautiful app that actually runs.